
A Bit About Me

What's in a name?
Did you know that every month has it’s own birth flower? May’s birth flower is the beautiful, Lily of the Valley. For centuries this flower has been known to symbolize purity, sweetness, humility, rebirth and even motherhood. For those reasons alone, Lily Birth seemed like the perfect name for my business. On a more personal note, it symbolizes my son Xander’s birth month. He is the reason I became a doula.
Halfway through our pregnancy we found out that our sweet Xander Xavier had a critical diagnosis and would not survive long after birth. My husband and I were devastated but decided to enjoy what time we got with our son, no matter how much time God allowed. We ended up getting 8 ½ beautifully bittersweet days with our gorgeous boy. We are forever grateful for the time with had with our baby boy. He taught us so much in his short time here, and continues to amaze us with the impact he has had on not only our lives, but the lives of so many.
I am the wife of a wonderful, supportive husband, and the mother of four boys (one in heaven). My family is my whole world, and everything I do is with them in mind. I love being a mother and feel so incredibly blessed for everything in my life.
I became passionate about the birth world in 2015, when I was expecting our first son. I soaked in every bit of information I could on everything related to pregnancy and birth, and my excitement and knowledge about the miracle of birth only grows with each pregnancy and family I serve.
I also serve as a board member, doula and Director of Development for a non profit that is near and dear to my heart, Labor of Hope 501(c)3. We serve families that have been diagnosed with a critical or life-limiting diagnosis during birth. http://www.laborofhope.org/
I have always had a heart and passion for supporting people in any capacity that I could and feel so fortunate to have found a career path that allows me to do just that. I love being able to encourage the mother as well as her support team in her birth, and watching the beautiful strength each woman shows during her birth. Working with families as they grow theirs is one of my greatest joys.
Thank you for considering me to serve your family during one of the most impactful and beautiful journeys of your life. I look forward to meeting and working with you!